Winning is just a click away

Test Drive 6 Codes -

Enter AKJGQ as a name.

All cars:
Enter DFGY as a name.

All tracks:
Enter ERERTH as a name.

All quick race tracks:
Enter CVCVBM as a name.

No quick race tracks:
Enter OCVCVBM as a name.

Shorter tracks:
Enter QTFHYF as a name.

All challenges:
Enter OPIOP as a name. Alternately, enter POIOP as a name.

No challenges:
Enter OPOIOP as a name.

Disable checkpoint times:
Enter FFOEMIT as a name.

Enable checkpoint times again:
Enter NOEMIT as a name.

Stop The Bomber mode:
Enter RFGTR as a name. Alternately, catch all the speeders on the Paris, Rome, New York, Hong Kong and London tracks in cop chase mode.

Hint: Stay on track:
When you are going around a sharp corner at high speeds, you will often go off of the track and lose speed and risk of losing your place in the race. To prevent this, simply let off the gas completely at the middle of the corner until you start to skid. Do not panic. When you start to skid, accelerate again and you should regain control. Straighten yourself out and you can get to your top speed faster than if maintained the same speed throughout the entire turn.
