Winning is just a click away

UEFA Dream Soccer Codes -

All-Star teams:
Press Start, A, Y, Up, Right, B, A, Down at the arcade mode menu.

Silicon Dream teams:
Press Y, A, B(2), A, Down, A, B(2), A, Down, Up at the arcade mode menu.

Unlock stadiums 1, 2, 5, and 11:
Press B, Up, Y, Left, A, Right, Down at the arcade mode menu.

Unlock stadiums 3, 7, 10, and 15:
Press B, A, Left(2), Start, B, A, Left(2), Start at the arcade mode menu.

Unlock stadiums 8, 13, and 16:
Press B, A, Right, Start, B, A, Right, Start at the arcade mode menu.

Small players:
Press Down, Up, Left(2), A, Right, Down, Start at the arcade mode menu.
