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Justice League: Chronicles Codes -

Play as Martian Manhunter:
Complete all three story modes (Dark Winter, Trial In Ape City, Savage Time) to unlock Jonn-Jozz in the Watchtower Combat Simulator.

Batman: Roundhouse Kick:
Press A (Punch) twice, then hold A the third time.

Flash: Jab:
Press A (Punch) twice, then hold A the third time.

Green Lantern: Green Punch Fist:
Press A (Punch) twice, then hold A the third time. John will unleash a green fist.

HawkGirl: Mace slam:
Press A (Punch) twice, then hold A the third time. Shyera will unleash a mace slam move.

Martian Manhunter: Psychic Energy Rings:
Press A (Punch) twice, then hold A the third time. . Jonn-Jozz will unleash energy rings.

Superman: Uppercut:
Press A (Punch) twice, then hold A the third time.

Wonder Woman: Hook Punch:
Press A (Punch) twice, then hold A the third time.


