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Lilo And Stitch Codes -

All gallery movies and pictures:
Enter Flower, Rocket, Ship, Gun, Pineapple, Pineapple, Gun as a password.
Level Password
BeachStitch, Stitch, Stitch, Stitch, Stitch, Stitch, Stitch
MothershipUFO, Scrump, Stitch, Rocket, UFO, Stitch, UFO
Space CruiserLilo, Rocket, Stitch, Rocket, Rocket, Scrump, Stitch
Junkyard PlanetUFO, Rocket, Stitch, Rocket, Rocket, Scrump, Stitch
Escape!Stitch, Scrump, UFO, Gun, Rocket, Scrump, UFO
RescueFlower, Scrump, UFO, Gun, Gun, Gun, UFO
Final ChallengeLilo, Pineapple, Flower, Pineapple, Gun, Gun, Stitch
Final Challenge (alternate)Stitch, Rocket, Flower, Gun, Gun, Pineapple, Stitch
EndPineapple, Pineapple, Pineapple, Pineapple, Stitch, Stitch, Stitch

Glitch: Start with one movie, but four pictures:
Enter all Lilos as a password. Even though you start on the first level with one movie, you will begin with pictures 4, 5, 6, and 7.
