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Mega Man X2 Codes -


Status No power-ups collected All heart and reserve tanks, upgrades
Wire Sponge complete 6543-6884-3741-4551 5227-8133-1656-5451
Morph Moth complete 7821-7232-3151-8446 5224-8133-1656-7451
Flame Stag complete 6545-6884-3744-4551 5224-8133-1658-5451
Magna Centipede complete 6575-6884-3741-4551 3167-6337-1356-5526
Overdrive Ostrich complete 1528-3854-3451-2581 3127-6357-1356-5526
Bubble Crab complete 6843-8282-3841-4426 4146-3387-1246-1546
Wheel Gator complete 7821-7232-3121-2446 5224-8133-1626-5451
Crystal Snail complete 1528-3834-3551-2581 3127-6337-1856-5526

Other passwords:
Enter one of the following passwords to start at the corresponding game location:

All Bosses defeated

Submit the password 3467-8843-3528-7651.

All Bosses defeated and all items

Submit the password 5462-3327-6488-3246.

All power-ups and 3 Zero parts collected; all opponents except X-Hunters, defeated

Submit the password 3366-7123-6188-3681.

All sub-tanks, hearts, and upgrades with only wire sponge left

Submit the password 2272-7123-1478-3446.

Third X-hunter level

Submit the password 1462-3327-6482-3242.

First X-hunter level after all Bosses defeated, all hearts, all energy tanks, all special capsules

Submit the password 8377-8143-6822-7651.

No levels completed, with all heart tanks, reserve tanks, and upgrades collected

Submit the password 4242-7183-1546-1681.

Start with all of Zero's parts

Submit the password 7741-7732-3451-2748. REMEMBER: You will lose the items when you reach the Robot Screen due to a security reset on all passwords.
