Winning is just a click away

Emergency 2: The Ultimate Fight For Life Codes -

Cheat mode:
Press | during game play to display the console window. Note: This is the pipe character, and not a upper-case "i" or lower-case "L". Type backdraft to enable cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
List console commandscmdlist
Mission selectmission <1-26>
Complete current missionfinish
View current mission numbernumber
List missionslist
Restart missionstart
Set time of daydaytime <0-24>
Write debug informationreport
Toggle floor polygon displaysfp <0 or 1>
List configuration parametersset
Start game with indicated parameterset <parameter>
Change between IDs on a missiongotoid
Clear console windowclear
Quit gamequit
Load indicated saved gameloadgame <filename>
Save game to indicated filenamesavegame <filename>
Play indicated audio CD trackplaycdtrack <number>
Play indicated FMV sequenceplayvideo <filename>
Play indicated .WAV fileplaywave <filename>
Stop playing all .WAV soundsstopwave
List current directory for play functions dir
Change current directorycd <path>
Unknownsmoothpath <0 or 1>
