Winning is just a click away

NightStone Codes -

Cheat mode:
Press [F1] during game play to display the console window. Enter one of the following codes, then hold [F4] and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Press [F1] again to close the console window.
Effect Code
Level skip vamonos
Invincibility mrfurioso
Spawn indicated item item <1-152>
Full Energy vida
Full Magic magia
Toggle properties for objects1 bbox
Toggle properties for actors1 dactors
Toggle block grid1 grid
Clear console1 cls
Show video memory1 vidmem
Set frame rate1 setfps
Unknown1 fps
Unknown1 quitmoney
Unknown1 getmoney
Unknown1 drol
Unknown1 c-debug
Unknown1 mcheck
Unknown resistencia
Unknown destreza
Unknown fuerza

1. Do not hold [F4] when pressing [Enter] with this code.
