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F.E.A.R. Codes -

Unlock All Levels
Enter F3ARDAY1 as a profile name to unlock all levels. Note that achievements will be disabled while this cheat is active.

Save Your Medkits
Note every medkit you cannot carry -- if you happen to run out of your medkit supplies you can find them again. This is useful in Interval 11 with the armies of ghosts coming after you. Just make sure that you are able to backtrack to get the Medkits you left behind. Use your Medkits at the correct time. Do not use Medkits immediately when you have about 70 to 80 health remaining. Try using a Medkit when your health drops below 30. One Medkit can heal up to about 30 to 45 points. If your health happens to drop below 40 and you are in a 1v1 or 2v1 fight, do not bother using a Medkit unless you really need to. Just run to cover while using your slow-mo abilities. Your health will regenerate slowly back to 40 if it drops below that, however you must be out of the firefight to regenerate your health.

Defeating Assassin Super Soldiers
Assassins are difficult to see so try using slow-motion ( L2 on PlayStation3; LB on Xbox 360). You will notice them immediately once they are slowed. After that, let all of your rounds into them. If you do not have slow-motion (for example, in the bonus mission when playing as the demolition man), you must have a quick finger and a good eye to notice them running around. There are two ways to do this. The first is to toss a grenade to reveal the assassin for a certain amount of time. Hopefully the splash radius will either hit him or kill him. Note: The grenade has a two to four second delay before exploding, and correct timing is required. The second way is to wait until the assassin approaches directly in front of you. When he reveals himself, start firing at him.

Labdog: Shogo: Mobile Armor Division reference
After the firefight in the gas pipes area near the exit point of the map, there will be a gas pipe on fire. Turn the object off in the next room, then return to the now extinguished pipe area..There is a semi secret walkway there. Walk in, find the ladder, and climb up. You will find a health booster, and there is a door on your left. Go into that office. Listen to the song. It is the main theme from Shogo: Mobile Armor Division. an anime FPS created by Mololith. Look at the dry marker board. It is the same one from an office level from Shogo: Mobile Armor Division.
