Winning is just a click away

Front Mission 3 Codes -

Hint: More battle skill activation percentage:
When you are about to hit the enemy Wanzer, quickly press L1 + R1, Square, L1 + R1, Square, L1 + R1, Square, and keep alternating those buttons.

Hint: Split point:
The "split point" in the game is so close to the start that gamers could play the same story and never know what they did wrong. It occurs when you finish the Wanzer testing. Royogo will ask you if you want to deliver Construction Wanzers with him. If you go with him you will get Emma's story. If you do not go with him you will get Alisa's story.

Hint: Capturing enemy Wanzers:
To capture an enemy Wanzer, make him surrender. Any Wanzers that surrendered before the stage is cleared will become yours. You can tell if a Wanzer has surrendered by looking at its color. If it is gray, and has a white flag on top of it, it has surrendered. This does not work, however, for tanks, jeeps, etc., as you can not store them.

Although you cannot choose where you will hit your enemy, capturing an enemy Wanzer can be easy. If you manage to destroy both arms on an enemy Wanzer, he/she will usually lose morale and the word "surrender" will appear on the screen before it switches back to the battle map. If this happens, leave the disabled Wanzer alone as he/she can no longer attack. If the body HP for the Wanzer is above 150 when both arms are destroyed, the pilot will not (usually) lose morale, and it will be necessary to attack him/her again. This will not work if the Wanzer in question is a main character (a character from the manual, or a previously encountered character) as you have to destroy the Wanzer.

If the enemy has surrendered but has not ejected, try attacking one more time. The only problem with this is most of the time their HP is so low you cannot attack again without destroying them. Use the following steps to avoid this. Eject from the Wanzer and use your sidearm pistol on the enemy. Since your pistol does not do a lot of damage, you can attack until they eject and you can claim their Wanzer. Note: Do not do this if there are a lot of enemies near by since your pilot cannot withstand a lot of damage.

Hint: Internet/e-mail:
When a character gets a password for a site, write it down. You eventually want to poke around where you do not belong, and having the passwords written down (possibly broken down by country) will make it easier.

Hint: Klamsky Family Data (RNL):
There is a page on the RNL website about the Klamsky Family. Then password is "KLAMSKY".

Hint: Backup Wanzer:
If you capture an enemy Wanzer at the end of a battle, keep it. This way, if you lose a Wanzer in your next battle, you have a spare Wanzer to replace it. Besides, you do not have to replace any destroyed parts on a captured Wanzer; they are automatically repaired for you. Just make sure that you add some weapons to it, because your only attack on a captured Wanzer is the HADRBLOW, which is the weakest.

Hint: Secret Wanzer:
When you are in Japan during the coup, visit the Australian spender's page. Select Garbagepit, use the Inferno Dial and type 555(XKR)224. Talk to the mysterious person and he will give you a Hoshun Mk112 and a heavy Pulse Gun for free.

Hint: Restart a battle:
Save the game as soon as you start a battle. If you lose, you can reload the save from the beginning of the fight and try a different strategy. This also prevents you from losing a Wanzer that you want to keep.

Hint: Attack without being attacked:
It is possible to attack some Wanzers, depending on how they are equipped. You can safely attack any Wanzer that is equipped with only a missile launcher or a melee weapon by attacking with a single square from the enemy Wanzer. Since the missile launcher cannot attack a target within the first three squares from the Wanzer it is equipped on, and a melee weapon can only target one square away, you can attack with any ranged weapon without being counter-attacked. In the very few and rare cases where an enemy soldier has a rocket/missile launcher, the soldier does not have this limitation.

Hint: Machine gun:
All machine guns only fire 10 rounds at a time. Remember this before you attack a strong opponent if your Wanzer is weak or almost dead.

Hint: Wanzer setup:
Once you have at least four wanzers in your party, you should set up the four wanzers differently so that at least one will have an advantage, regardless of the battle. You should have at least one of the following weapons in each battle:

Machine gun
Missile or grenade launcher

Also make sure that all the Wanzers have a melee weapon equipped, if possible -- the Hardblow attack is almost as weak as an ejected pilot's pistol.

Hint: Kill ejected enemy pilots easier:
Attack an ejected pilot with a machine gun, shotgun or flamethrower. Although rifles, missiles, and melee weapons do much more damage, you will often miss completely because only one shot is fired. However, a machinegun and shotgun will fire multiple times, and the flamethrowers can attack a target at least four times.

Hint: Fighting helicopters:
Helicopters are big, but you have a greater chance of hitting them with a machinegun or shotgun than any other ranged weapon. Missiles, however, can usually hit a helicopter if it is almost out of missile range.

Hint: Grenade launcher:
A grenade launcher does not strike one square; it strikes several, depending on which type you have. Make sure "friendly" units are at least two squares from the damage area to prevent a "friendly fire" situation.

Hint: MIDAS controller:
On the Intrepid website, you can try to download the MIDAS controller, but you will get a download error. The password is "ALICIANA".

Hint: Keep Battle Skills:
Successfully complete Emma's or Alisa's story line. Save the game after the credits have completed. Load the saved game at the title screen to play either story line again with all previously learned Battle Skills.

Hint: Learning Battle Skills:
Use the following a trick to help learn Battle Skills without having to worry about losing a battle. Between missions, go to the network then to the simulator. Once there you can participate in fake battles but gain real skills and experience. You can also earn money for winning.

Hint: Acquire Yun earlier in Emma storyline:
To acquire Yun before you reach DHZ, destroy the Cadenza in the Australia mission. After destroying it, Kazuki checks out the trailer loaded with scientists. One will tell where MIDAS was supposed to be shipped and the other will give you the Leonora Ent. web address. Then you will go to Sumatra and defend Hatta's Wanzer squad. After all enemies are defeated you will talk to him and go to Singapore to meet the greatest spender (hacker) of all, MoneyMaker (Yun Lai Fa).
