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Harvest Moon: Back To Nature Codes -

Hint: Easy money:
Note: This trick requires two memory cards and a file which has some type of animal (preferably cows or sheep). Copy the file to memory card two, then play the game on either file. Go to your diary and choose to exchange animals. Have an animal come in from the other memory card. When this is done, sell the animal repeat as many times as needed.

Hint: Always full watering can:
In the Winter, go to the mine on the island in the lake. Dig down until you see a cave on the north wall. Go in and fill your watering can from the pond. After that, your watering can will have unlimited water.

Hint: Quick tool upgrades:
Use your tool until it is 400%. Then mine for a Blue Stone and make sure you have at least 5000G. Take the stone, the 5000G, and the tool wish to upgrade to the blacksmith, and he will upgrade it for you.

Hint: More ore while mining:
The following trick requires the Harvest Basket and the Final Rucksack. Bring the Harvest Basket with you to the mine. Set it down and start mining. You should be able to deposit ore into the Harvest Basket. The basket can get full after a while. Empty it out by facing a bin and pressing Square. When you are tired, just heal at the Hot Spring Pool. This also works well in winter.

Hint: Get another horse:
If you lose your horse and have a good pasture, you can get another one.

Hint: Make your wife leave:
Give your wife many things that she hates (preferably weeds) until her heart turns black, and she has no hears on the start menu screen. Then, go to sleep. The next day the game will state that your wife is gone and you will shake your head.
