Winning is just a click away

Muppet Monster Adventure Codes -

All morphs:
Press Circle, R2, Circle, Left, Right, R2, Up, Down, Circle, R2 at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

99 lives:
Press Up(2), Down, Left, Right, Square, Up, Left, Right, Circle at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Ballistic chicken weapon:
Press Square(2), Circle, Square, Circle(2), Square(2), Circle, Square at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

+1000 Pickups:
Press Square, R2, Circle, Left, Up, Down, Right, Square, L2, Circle at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

+10 Muppet Tokens:
Press Left, Up, Down, Right, Square, R2, Circle, Square, L2, Circle at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited sub-game time:
Press Down, L2, R2(2), Up, L1(2), R1, Down, Up at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Unlock all gallery items:
Press Square, Left, Circle, Right, Down, Up, Square, Down, Circle, Down at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Unlock all levels:
Press Up(2), Square, Down(2), Circle, Left, Square, Right, Circle at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Level select from main menu:
Press R2(4), R1, L1(3), R1, R2 at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Toggle invincibility:
Press L2, R2, R1, L1, R2, L2, R2, R1, L1, R2 at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Toggle debug information:
Press Up, Right, R2, Square, Left, R1, Left, Up, Left, L2 at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Tunnel soak/consecutive level load:
Press L2, L1(2), R1, R2(3), Square, Left, Up at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Toggle fly cam:
Press Square, Left, R2, Up, R1, L2, R1, Up, R2, Up at the main menu. The sound of a chicken will confirm correct code entry.

Easy Muppet coins:
The Muppet coins will reappear in previous levels in the same locations. Simply defeat the previously beaten opponent to spawn the coin again.

Alternate ending sequence:
Get a 100% game completion.
