Winning is just a click away

Space Jam Codes -

Unlimited power:
Press Square, Triangle, Circle, Left, Right, L1 at the title screen.

Cheat menu:
Enter the options menu. Highlight the game options icon and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2, and press X. Additional options to change the gravity, player size, and new courts will be available. Note: Press X to exit this menu after the desired cheats are set to activate them.

Infinite turbo:
Get a flawless victory on Speedy's Space Race.

100% shooting percentage:
Get a flawless victory in Sam's Shootout.

Free goaltending:
Hit only the top targets in Lola Bunny's Hall of Hijinx

Alternate ships in Space Race:
Win the Intergalactic tournament on the hard difficulty level with any Toon Squad member, then play another game. Go to Space Race at intermission to see the ships.
