Winning is just a click away

Tecmo World Golf Codes -

Adjust wind direction:
During game play, enter the options menu and choose "Function". Select "Time" and change the current setting to 12:34:56. Press Square + Triangle.

Move ball:
During game play, enter the options menu and choose "Function". Select "Time" and change the current setting to 06:19:56. Press Triangle + X. The ball may now be moved to any location on the course.

Move cup:
During game play, enter the options menu and choose "Function". Select "Time" and change the current setting to 15:14:38. Press Triangle + Circle. The cup may now be moved to any location on the green.

Alternate player colors:
During game play, enter the options menu and choose "Function". Select "Music" and turn that option off. Wait until the ball is in "T-Up" mode, then hold Triangle and press R1 or R2.

Metallic golfer:
Select the "Customize Player" option and enter R.Masel (no spaces) as your name. Next, choose Bob Taylor as your golfer. Start a game, and press Left, Up, Right, Down, R1 during the "Now Loading" screen. When the game starts, your golfer will be metallic in appearance.
